Areas Of Interest |
The Local Civil Air Patrol Squadron that Chase and DeWayne belongs too.
The Local RC Flying Club.
The Local Amateur Radio Club.
Homeschooling Curriculum Favorites |
"The course teaches real mathematics. It does not use tricks or shortcuts. Instead, it teaches
the student to think mathematically. That's what is missing from many algebra courses!
... If you want your student to really learn algebra, then you should use this course. In short,
this course is a scientist's dream come true! Every science-oriented student should use it." -
Dr. Jay Wile, Author of Apologia Science Curriculum
"Apologia provides fun and challenging K-12 creation-based science curriculum specifically
designed for the home school. Written by a former university professor and homeschool
parent, our courses provide college-preparatory science in a way that is both clear and
challenging. Our texts are readable, easy to understand, and full of engaging experiments
that can be performed at home." - Apologia. A great science curriculum.
Makes History Interesting. Our kids can not put the books down and want to take another
year of high school so they can take another year of history and science. These curriculums
are great!
Homeschooling Resources |
"Timberdoodle Co has been serving the home school community with home education
resources for over 20 years, specializing in hands-on learning tools and home school
curriculum that seeks to honor Christ. We hope these resources will help you as you
endeavor to educate your children for the glory of God."
A great resource.
Anyone serious about homeschooling or anyone that has a desire to see that homeschooling
remains a freedom for all parents all over the world, should check out HSLDA
and give them your financial support.
Christian Academies and Apprenticeship Programs |
"Miracle Mountain Ranch Missions Inc. is a non-profit non-denominational Christian training
center operating under the direction of an independent board of directors. MMRM is a
member of Christian Camping International, and has a standard of excellence in facility,
ministry and message performance."
"The Air Land Emergency Resource Team (ALERT) is a unique training and service
organization for young men who desire to achieve maturity and fruitfulness in service
as Christian men. The training young men receive at ALERT equips them with the
discipline, character, and skills necessary to meet the needs of people in crisis."
Parenting and Family Resources |
"James McDonald, husband to Stacy and father of nine children ranging in age from one to
twenty years old, is the founder of The Patriarch's Path and publisher of
Homeschooling Today® magazine. James has had many additional opportunities to
minister to the Body of Christ."
"Reb Bradley, father of 6, is a pastor who ministers to the Body of Christ at large. Reb has
been a radio counselor and talkshow host, and as a writer and national conference speaker
he works diligently to strengthen the modern Christian family."
"No Greater Joy is the ministry of Michael & Debi Pearl under the auspices of
No Greater Joy Ministries Inc. Michael has been a pastor, missionary, and evangelist
for 40 years. The Pearls have 5 children, all homeschooled. They have grown up to become
missionaries and church leaders."
Bible Resources |
This is a great computer tool for bible study. Strongly recommended.
Please send a donation to Rick Meyers if you decide to use e-sword.
He greatly deserves it.
These are additional modules that can be added to e-sword which can be downloaded
from the link above.
If you are serious about Bible Study, this will be one of your most treasured resource. Their
newsletter and Bible Study aids are a great encouragement in studing the Bible.
If you are looking for a resource to combat evolution, this will become one of your favorite
resources. Strongly recommend you support their efforts. We visited the construction of
their museum on our vacation. It is a first class museum that supports the biblical account
of creation.
"CARM stands for the Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry. Its purpose is to discuss
various theological systems and examine them from a Christian perspective. CARM is useful
in that it documents the religious beliefs of a system, analyzes them, and compares them to
biblical revelation."
"His music has become one of the most listened to in Christian music today even by our
beloved president George W. Bush. His clear unique style ministers to a wide range of
people from young to old and even foreign countries."
Politics |
Common Sense For President |
"An expression of political philosophies."